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05 May

XIII CIEU-FEiE 2025 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

11:30   -   Sala d'actes - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
06 March

UAB and Vallès Occidental municipalities sign agreement to promote university access


The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the mayors of Vallès Occidental signed an important agreement on March 6 to promote access to university education for the population of the region, with special attention to the most vulnerable groups.

26 February

Department of Business and CREIS Seminar

15:00   -   Seminar E2. Edifici B, Campus Bellaterra UAB

On February 26th, 2025, the Department of Business and the Centre for Studies and Research in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (CREIS) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) organized an academic seminar featuring Professor Sascha Kraus, f

12 December

XV Award to the most entrepreneurial idea 2024

16:00   -   Sala d'actes - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

The Centre d'Iniciatives Emprenedores Universitàries (CIEU) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), in collaboration with the Facultat d'Economia i Empresa and the Escola FUABformació, held the fifteenth edition of the CIEU-FEiE Awards for the m

19 November

The local administrations of Vallès strengthen their commitment to Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation


On November 19, 2024, the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) signed a new agreement with the regional councils of Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental, and the city councils of Cerdanyola del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès, and Montornès del Vallès fo

18 October

Science and female entrepreneurship

9:30 - 13:00   -   Sala teatre de la UAB
15 October

CREIS participates in the UAB 2024 Innovation Fair

09:30   -   Hotel EXE Campus, Campus de la UAB

The Center for Research in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (CREIS) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) participated in the second edition of Innovation Week, held from October 15 to 18 at the Hotel Exe Campus.

15 October

Eines Awards 2024

18:30   -   Auditori Municipal Antonio Díaz - El mago pop (Badia del Vallès)

The fourth edition of the Eines Awards was held on October 15 at the Antonio Díaz - El Mago Pop Municipal Auditorium in Badia del Vallès.

17 September

V Workshop CREIS-2024

12:00   -   Sala de Graus - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

On September 17, 2024, the Graduation Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) hosted the V CREIS-UAB Workshop 2024.

25 July

CREIS positive evaluation report


On July 25, 2024, the Research, Transfer, and Innovation Commission of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) approved the monitoring and continuity of the Center for Studies and Research in Entrepreneurship and Social I

09 May

XII CIEU-FEiE award to the most entrepreneurial person 2024

11:30   -   Sala d'actes - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

On May 9th, the University Entrepreneurship Initiatives Center (CIEU) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in c

10 April

1st InsEnt SIG-ECSB Workshop UAB 2024

  -   UAB

From April 10 to 12, 2024, the Center for Research in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (CREIS) and the Universitat Au

24 January

Conferència inaugural Postgrau en Economia Social i Solidària

18:00   -   Sala de Graus - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

On January 24th, the inaugural conference of the seventh edition of the postgraduate course "Social and Solidarity Economy:

14 December

XIV CIEU-FEiE 2023 Award to the most entrepreneurial idea

16:15   -   Sala d'actes - Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
09 November
17 October

Eines Awards 2023

18:30   -   Mercat Vell (Mollet del Vallès)
17 October

Innovation fair

9:30   -  

CREIS will participate in the innovation fair that will take place on October 17th at Hotel Exe Campus.

27 September

IV Workshop CREIS-2023

12.00   -   Sala de Graus - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
29 June

V Teaching Excellence Award

13:30   -   Sala de Graus - Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

Professor Dr. Hector Sala has been awarded with the V Teaching Excellence Award

08 May

XI CIEU-FEiE 2023 award to the most entrepreneurial person

11:30   -   Sala d'actes - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
20 April

Conference about sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and new production models

9:45   -   Sala de Graus - Facultat d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses (Universitat Politècnica de València)
10 February

Workshop - Teaching entrepreneurship

12.00   -   Malaga University

Workshop by David Urbano entitled "Retos de la investigación en emprendimiento: un enfoque crítico"

08 February

Opening session - Graduate diploma in Social Economy

18:00   -   Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

The conference will take place on February 8th at Sala de Graus (Faculty of Economics and Business Studies). Professor Millán Díaz-Foncea (Zaragoza University) will be the keynote speaker.

15 December

XIII CIEU-FEiE award to the most entrepreneurial idea

16:15   -   Sala d'actes - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
18 November

Female science and entrepreneurship day

9:30   -   Sala Teatre - Campus de la UAB

The content of different talks is available on this link

10 March

"Female entrepreneurship 2021"

From 12:00 to 13:00   -  

The Faculty of Economics and Business Studies will host the II Talk on "Female Entrepreneurship 2021", on March 10th (12:00-13:00 h).


30 October

Online conference: The role of family for entrepreneurial activity among young individuals

13.00 - 14.00   -  

David Urbano will participate in this online conference focused on understanding the role of socioeconomic factors for entrepreneurship among young individuals, special emphasis will be placed on the role of families.

06 October

International conference GEITEC, keynote by Jordi Verdú


The director of CREIS, Jordi Verdú, will be one of the keynote speakers in the International Conference Gestión de la Ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y la innovación" (GEITEC, 2020) that will be held in Lima (Perú) from October 29th to October 31s

23 September

CREIS participates in different social entrepreneurship projects


In the academic year 2020-21 CREIS will participate in at least 3 new projects related to the social entrepreneurship field.

19 June

Call for PhD candidates

Deadline July 3rd 2020   -  

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), through the Institute of Government and Public Policy - IGOP (Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology) and the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Research - CREIS (Faculty of Economics and

04 March

"Female entrepreneurship" event

13.15   -   Sala de Graus - Faculty of Economics and Business Studies