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Yearbook 2023

Anuari 2023

The Yearbook in Entrepreneurship, Economy and Social Innovation is an open access collection promoted and coordinated by the Center for Studies and Research in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (CREIS), an interdisciplinary research center for the study of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and social innovation, its causal factors, and the impact that social projects have on the economy in general, and people in particular. The collection sets itself the objective of dealing with the different topics of social interest from a double perspective. In the first place, from a close point of view, connected to the territory, and with the will to influence the definition of public policies. Second, providing the broad and rigorous view with which experts, academic and non-academic, can analyze these problems, help to understand their roots, and advise on how they must be managed and solved in the best possible way.



If you prefer, you can download the chapters of the Yearbook:


L’economia social i solidària al Vallès Occidental i al Vallès Oriental

Authors: Observatori del Vallès Occidental – Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental | Observatori – Centre d’Estudis del Vallès Oriental – Consell Comarcal del Vallès Oriental

L’economia social, solidària, verda i circular

Authors: Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental – Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès | Consell Comarcal del Vallès Oriental

Víctimas emprendedoras en el sur del Tolima (Colombia): la paz como factor principal de innovación social

Authors: Santiago Giraldo-Luque, Departament de Periodisme i de Ciències de la Comunicació i CREIS – UAB | Cristina Fernández-Rovira, UVic-UCC | Tomás Durán-Becerra, PCIS UNIMINUTO

Emprenedoria, innovació i economia social: proposta d’un marc conceptual

Authors: Marta-Patricia Aparicio, CREIS – UAB | David Urbano, Departament d’Empresa i CREIS – UAB

Evolució de la creació de cooperatives a les sèries llargues de l’economia catalana

Authors: Ramon Arbós, Diputació de Barcelona | Jordi Boixader, Diputació de Barcelona

Economia circular i cooperativisme

Authors: Elena Bernet i Martí, tècnica de projectes de Coopcat | Lorena Torró i Garrido, directora de Coopcat

L’interès per l’economia circular a Catalunya… a vista d’ocell

Authors: Albert Roca-Llevadot, UAB | Hector Sala, Departament d’Economia Aplicada i CREIS – UAB