Assistant professor (Department of Telecommunications and Systems Engineering) and Deputy director
Short bio
Beyond his duties as professor, he has also been responsible of the RF systems group at European Spallation Source - Bilbao (2010-2011). After he got a Beatriu de Pinós scholarship, he did a postdoctoral research stay at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Laussane EPFL (2011-2013) and later at UPC (2013-2014). At UAB, he has directed research projects with multinational companies (Qualcomm, Huawei), as well as innovative projects in cross training such as “Competencies Digital & Green per una economia sostenible”.
General research lines
His research line consists in the design of devices based on acoustic resonators in the development of the 5G network. He also works in the conception of technological resources as catalysts of new economic development models.
Research lines in the area of entrepreneurship and social innovation
Technology and social entrepreneurship.
Bachelor in Telecommunications and Systems Engineering and Master in Telecommunications Engineering.